Why Content Marketing is Important

R Manoj
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Do you want your business to be ranking at the top of search than your competitors or do you want to generate more leads through content? So the solution is content marketing.

In today’s world, we see most of the activities happen online and in these activities, people interact with the content. Due to a lot of works many have started avoiding ads and are looking for quality and consumable content. So Content marketing is a strategy to promote your content so that it reaches more of your target audience and make them feel the value of your business. It is one of the most important type of marketing as it involves around people and not itself. It also has the power to make fake news trending. We live in a world where social media plays a major role and it gives everyone the right to create content so if you want your content to be noticed then it has to be interesting, consumable, and user friendly.

Content marketing generates 3 times more leads compared to the per dollar spent on paid search. This also helps many companies to define what content is effective. According to social media surveys, it has been seen that Small companies with blogs are generating more leads compared to the ones who don’t have. It also reveals the fact that ⅓ of all online activities are spent on watching videos. Nowadays Marketers have reduced the amount of budget to be invested in Search engine marketing and have invested them in content marketing in the owned media like blogs and social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram.

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R Manoj

Community Man who Loves Helping people.Engineer turned designer.Values Culture more than anything and likes to Solves problems of users.